Collapse of an Evil Empire
Collapse of an Evil Empire isn’t just a series of articles on one subject or lawyer. In a broader context it’s a comprehensive anatomy of a successful disbarment and the circumstances and marketplace surrounding and giving rise to it--undertaken by the Florida Bar against a prolific trial lawyer with up to 10,000 cases moving through an inconceivable assembly line.
It’s instructive from many angles. By reputation, the Florida Bar can quickly move against attorneys convicted of crimes or who may have absconded funds from vulnerable clients. But it is not as resourceful or aggressive in prosecuting those who abuse the court system or commit ethical violations—such charges are more interpretive by nature and can go unreported by clients who themselves may be looking for unjust enrichment. This story shows the immense burden of time and risk incapsulated by such prosecutions. Moreover, it illustrates how extremely destructive the transgressions can become to the rest of society when left unchecked.
Insurance agents, insurers (especially claims personnel) should have a copy of this book. Literally, it’s a track record of the proceedings, the charges, the defenses, and the sources for the disbarment of an attorney who argued (and perhaps believed) he was just a bad manager. It shows how aggressive, production line litigation can morph into something more sinister than the accused even imagined--into “… mendacious, bad faith…unethical, and fraudulent conduct that…infected courts and communities across the state.2”
For reasons you’ll read about, every law office, especially plaintiff firms, should make this book accessible to the entire team. In addition to the cautionary nature of the tale, it also provides direct access to the complaints, the responses, the charges for relevant actions, case studies, pertinent excerpts from EUO’s, media coverage and much more—all categorized and accessible via this text and the links within each chapter. (See “Sources” Tab above)
Regardless of your career, avocation or politics, the facts and the opinions of this author have been meticulously maintained so that, regardless of ones point of view on either the legislative solutions or the story itself, it will all be available to everyone here, in this… the “Collapse of an Evil Empire!”